Posts by calvaryabbey
JUNE 2021
Tuesday 1st. A year ago today a series of two demolitions began here. It is so quiet now, that it is as though nothing had ever disturbed this. In Chapter, Dom Innocent read the Chapter of the Rule on choosing a Prior, then considered the many ways ‘prior’ and related titles have been used across…
Read MoreMAY 2021
Saturday 1st. With borders re-tightening, just when it was thought they might loosen, Bede is not all that busy with guests’ reservations. As regards our own health, Dom Innocent reminded us this week of the importance of individual responsibility, along with sensitivity to life’s current changes. Sunday 2nd. After supper dishes, Bede duly refilled the…
Read MoreAPRIL 2021
Thursday 1st. Rain hitting the remaining snow in the fields produced a nice, rolling mist this morning, as we prepared for Holy Thursday Mass, practicing a Gloria we do not often sing. Friday 2nd. Our cats are finding life more interesting, as more emerges from…
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Monday 1st. While February had none, March has several anniversaries for the monks, today being the day Dom Innocent began monastic life in 1987, later becoming a novice, and pronouncing his first vows on the same date. Tuesday 2nd. There was a sub-zero rainbow under clear skies this morning after Lauds: an unusual winter sight.…
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Monday 1st. We each received little memorial cards with Brother Henry’s photo, and the write-up from the Order’s website. The photo was taken as part of promotions for our centenary, in 2002. Tuesday 2nd. In Chapter this morning of the Presentation, Dom Innocent read extracts from Pope Francis’ thoughts on the religious life. Francis takes…
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Friday 1st. In Chapter, the brief greetings, one of another seemed to outshine the review of the year past which followed. Soon we were at Mass once again, and midday found us thankfully sharing a festive meal. Saturday 2nd. The eagle oversaw a snow fall, from his usual branch. Our Sisters across the way…
Read MoreDECEMBER 2020
Tuesday 1st. In Chapter, Dom Innocent commented the Rule’s teaching on the artisans of the monastery, a subject that sheds light on monastic life all around. Edmundo joined us in Chapter. As the new barn reaches completion, new lights can be seen there at night, eight to the side, along the building, with additional lighting…
Read MoreNOVEMBER 2020
Sunday 1st. Our monastery celebrated 118 years today. We also posed for community photos. It has been quite a while since we last tried this, and there were two sessions. At a brief meeting before Vespers, Dom Innocent read us the Lukan Beatitudes, as a counterpoint to Matthew’s version this morning, and our retreat began.…
Read MoreOCTOBER 2020
Thursday 1st. Bede is busy enough, in terms of addressing requests for retreat bookings, within the parameters of restricted numbers. Happily, the guest house remains relaxed and prayerful. Friday 2nd. It is oddly consoling to spend a few minutes back in 2008, thanks to Michelle Obama’s book, and its account of the run-up to Barrack…
Read MoreSEPTEMBER 2020
Tuesday 1st. In Chapter today, Dom Innocent announced the committee’s ideas for changes to our Liturgy. Most of the changes are slight simplifications of what we are doing presently, to reflect our smaller numbers. Wednesday 2nd. Apples may be a little smaller this year due to the lack of rain, but they are numerous, and…
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