Thursday 1st. Bede is busy enough, in terms of addressing requests for retreat bookings, within the parameters of restricted numbers. Happily, the guest house remains relaxed and prayerful. Friday 2nd. It is oddly consoling to spend a few minutes back in 2008, thanks to Michelle Obama’s book, and its account of the run-up to Barrack…

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Tuesday 1st. In Chapter today, Dom Innocent announced the committee’s ideas for changes to our Liturgy. Most of the changes are slight simplifications of what we are doing presently, to reflect our smaller numbers. Wednesday 2nd. Apples may be a little smaller this year due to the lack of rain, but they are numerous, and…

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Saturday 1st. Two kittens were playing this evening on the little mound of earth dug up next to the monastery, an initial look underground for the wastewater project. To the east, the new chicken barn is now showing wood, and the outline of two floors.    Sunday 2nd. A new dishwasher has been installed in the…

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JULY 2020

Wednesday 1st.  Though it was Canada Day today, the fellow doing the demolition could be seen pivoting on his truck, working away. Despite dark clouds, sudden wind, and several drops, no real rain fell again today. At Vespers, there did seem to be a sound of thunder, but it was actually the sound of a…

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JUNE 2020

Monday 1st. Cars drove in one by one this morning, nice and slow, carrying different demolition crew members, young people with happy  faces; older people with peaceful, attentive expressions. Demolishing the cannery meant our first removing what was valuable or useful inside, and that filled a long trailer. Other contents of the building were trash…

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MAY 2020

Friday 1st. The road which leads past the monastery is a secondary highway connecting north and south. With emergency health measures in place, traffic there has decreased markedly: the road is the way I remember it being about 35 years ago, except that people did not generally drive as fast back then. Saturday 2nd. Using…

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APRIL 2020

Wednesday 1st. Among monks’ anniversaries this month will be 35 years Ordination for Father Roger, Easter Week. Liturgical supplies were delivered today, which means no journey to Moncton, no journey out of a zone as yet untouched by Covid19, will be necessary for us. Even as world news takes us aback, the season steps near…

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MARCH 2020

Sunday 1st.  Dom Innocent got smoothly in by train yesterday. . . between snows. He is happy with the way his travels went, and helped us into the season through Chapter, then Sunday Mass. Monday 2nd. Lenten reading together began, after Lauds. One of the monks is reading a book called ‘The Age of Bede’.…

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Saturday 1st. Another community offered us their 1947 edition Cistercian Antiphonaries, the big books once used in choir.      Sunday 2nd. Today’s Feast of the Presentation is one of the quietest Feasts of the year, but with the biggest feel: I was surprised this morning, upon counting, that there were only 18 participants’ candles on…

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Wednesday 1st. Snow fell on poor old 2019, and was still there this gleaming 2020. Thanks to Steve, a bit less snow. The new snow-blowing tractor is certainly up and running. Once more this year, we met in Chapter after Lauds, to exchange greetings, and collect a calendar from among those offered to the monastery.…

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